
Find devotional meetings near to you. Built using Hive blockchain technology, OLC and Geographical Hashtags.

You are looking around ... well, I actually don't know. But if you know your region code, you can enter it in the text box instead... - look up around instead.

Here you will see messages about devotionals around you...
If you don't see any messages here, you could set this up for your local community. To add devotionals you literally only need to have a HIVE account to be able to start posting. Tip: leave a message informing that you manage messages for your community, so people without an account can contact you to add their devotionals. Worst case you could contact me to help you create an account (see my homepage for several ways to contact me).
The code for localprayers.net has been derived from WhenWhere.cf. Although the code is ugly, it's open source. Find it on lapingvino/olc-tools on Github.